Why do they not want children protected….

Rob Morse has thoughts, based on reality, we should all listen

We’ve all been there. You’re trying to help someone who suffers from Not Invented Here. Said another way, unless the “Smartest Guy in the Room” came up with the idea, then it isn’t worth considering. It is frustrating when you find “Not Invented Here” in a business meeting. It is dangerous when the “Smart Guy” holds government office. It becomes frightening when they put our children at risk as they did recently in Tennessee.

I don’t care how smart you are. If you can only accept your own ideas, then you are losing the vast experience of the people who came before you. You are losing the experience of the other people in the room. Speaking from personal experience, those helpful suggestions often included hidden gems even if the suggestions were flawed. Those good ideas could be incorporated into a better solution. Politicians often ignore good ideas because they are more interested in receiving approval than in making an improvement.

Suppose you wanted to keep your children safe at school. The politician asks what solutions the press will accept. In contrast, the security consultant looks at what worked in the past and how those solutions can be adapted to a particular situation. We know how to stop mass-murder at school. Unfortunately, the two approaches are miles apart.

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